#OverflowingSeries You ever been so thirsty but had nothing to drink yet so your body & mind, despite feeling fatigued just somehow “made it work” until you could get to that next sip? And how did that sip taste? Could you physically feel the water that time going down your throat quenching you from your inside out, rejuvenating your mind and body? In my next #BibleStudy series, I want to show you how thirsty we are, how we desperately look to “make it work” instead of going straight to the source to have a daily flow of living water within us (Holy Spirit). I’ll be blunt guys, in this fallen & sinful earth we’re promised nothing short of disappointments that leave us thirsty, desperately craving something to soothe, comfort, & fix the aches and pains of life. We tend to create our biggest downfall here in our area of biggest opportunity. We have dug and built our own wells to collect the water, we think we can do it, putting a bandaid on the pain more desperate for comfort than truth. Jeremiah 2:13 “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns (wells), broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Our man-made wells, as Jeremiah said who spent 40yrs of his life preaching trying to persuade a fallen nation with the exact same sins we struggle with today, will start to leak as we crack to the pressures of life. Our sins will create holes and the water we depend on to survive will flow out and dry up. Jesus tried to school us in John 7:37 “..If anyone is thirsty, let him COME TO ME and drink…”, John 4:14 “..whoever drinks of the water that I WILL GIVE him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become IN him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” God says it’s not your job to quench your own thirst, I want to live inside of you & flow a new life! God’s been teaching me that we will ache in disappointments until we reach eternity in Heaven, but while on earth, HE can fill us up with an overflowing source of joy, peace, purpose, direction, security, contentment, all that & an all-consuming love. Stay tuned next month for #TheGoodLifeTV, I want to help you actually feel better inside with a renewed, realistic view at this world & how God can truly make you whole and fulfilled! Can’t wait to share these truths...be blessed Good Life fam! ❤️🙏🌊
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