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The Gospel- The Kingdom of God: The B.I.B.L.E Series

The Gospel- The Kingdom of God: The B.I.B.L.E Series

You don’t need more self-help, self-care or advice. You need Good News and a NEW Life!! Come Bible Study with me on The Gospel- The Kingdom of God. Tying in all the Old Testament covenants, laws and high priest system into what/why/when Jesus our Messiah did once and for all to pay the penalty for sin. Let’s talk old covenants to Jesus’s New Covenant with us and how that helps YOU here NOW today! The Gospel is about bringing you a new life, adopted and rescued into God’s Kingdom, given a title of Ambassador for Christ and an inheritance in the Kingdom, with eternal salvation. We often don’t think of the covenant’s it took to pave the way before Jesus paid it all, or why God “fixed” things this way, so let me help tie in some history for your burning questions. Like- why did God let us all be born as sinners? How is Jesus’s blood covenant not witchcraft? Why did Jesus have to die to pay for sin if he’s God? Why does God give us so much grace? Why does being in the Kingdom of God matter? And more… The Gospel of God is the Gospel of Grace, let’s plug in some of scripture and history, making Jesus’s New Covenant come to life for your NEW LIFE! 01:15- The Gospel 02:27- Voddie Baucham quote 04:40- What's Inside of You? 05:00- Doctrine of Original Sin 05:43- Doctrine of Imputation 06:01- Why does God let us be born as sinners? 06:21- 4 Separations from original sin 07:10- The Law System (Moses/Aaron) 08:20- Jesus’s Blood Covenant isn’t witchcraft 09:00- Satan’s counterfeit systems- Pharaohs 09:55- High Priest System- Lev 16 10:38- Day of Atonement- Yom Kippur 13:47- Why was Jesus fully God and fully man? 14:40- Jesus’s Blood- the New Covenant- Hebrews 9 17:38- How does Jesus dying for my sins help me now? 18:00- Reborn in Christ- Do you have new life? 19:42- Gospel of Grace 21:22- Why does God give us so much Grace? 22:08- Live under Grace or under Law- Romans 6 24:03- New Kingdom- Kingdom of God 26:03- Why does it matter? Kingdom of Darkness | Kingdom of Light 27:27- How the Gospel sets you Free 28:00- New Inheritance, Ambassadors for Christ 29:11- Now What? Believe #thegospel #gospelofchrist #gospelofgod #biblicalgospel #scripture #biblehistory #oldtestament #newcovenant #biblehistorytimeline #jesussaves #jesussaves #jesusislord
Top 7 Covenants - Origin Story: The B.I.B.L.E. Series

Top 7 Covenants - Origin Story: The B.I.B.L.E. Series

You’ve all heard of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and David, but lets find out the who, what, when, where and why these people mattered, and why they are mentioned in the bible. Today we dive into the Top 7 Covenants in our continued B.I.B.L.E. Series. The biblical covenants of God are our origin story as Christians, so let’s get into our real history as we continue to build the foundation into understanding the Gospel of God better. These Top 7 covenants will lead us next into the current, ultimate and new covenant- Jesus Christ/Yeshua. Let’s talk what came first and why. Welcome to The Good Life TV 2023 Line Up: The Basic-Instructions-Before-Leaving-Earth Series is here to teach you God's bible covenant history, old testament history, the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, how the truth now sets you free, how to be in the world not of the world, and what true love is and where it is found. This is a comprehensive bible study series for those that want to understand their Christian and Biblical history better and allow Holy Spirit to show you how to apply it to your own life to live NEW! 00:47- 1. John 17- God & His Son/Creation 02:15- 2. Edenic/Adamic Covenant- God & Creation/Adam 04:35- 3. Noahic Covenant- God & Noah’s Family /Earth 06:35- Quick Genealogy of Jesus 06:51- 4. Abrahamic Covenant- God & Abraham’s Descendants/Promise Land for God’s People- Israel 08:55- 5. Mosaic Covenant/Law of Moses- Establishing Law between God & His People 12:57- 6. Davidic Covenant- God & Establishing His Kingdom 14:15- 7. The Messianic Covenant- JESUS/YESHUA- restoring us to God’s Kingdom 14:32- Recap/Notes #covenant #top7covenants #biblecovenants #7covenantsinthebible #biblehistory #oldtestament #biblehistorytimeline
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